Thursday, December 5, 2013

Leading Lines

 This picture is expressing leading lines. It's leading to the double doors. The definition of leading lines are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image, or occasionally, out of the image.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


In this picture we also had to find contrast. In this picture I staged it so that once again the red flower would pop out from the green leaves. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


In this picture i tried capturing the facade of the front of the school. Facade is best used when referring to a building. I think this is a good picture.

Night Mode

 In this picture i used the night mode on the mode dial. I tried capturing the camera in a dark place get the best results. I took this picture under the cafeteria and i think it's pretty good, compared to when i used the auto mode on the camera.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rule of Thirds

 In this picture i tried capturing Jose using the rule of thirds. I took the picture in order for him to be in the left side of the shot. I think the composition of this picture is pretty good.
In this picture I captured the sun in the far left corner of the camera using the rule of thirds. The composition in the picture isnt bad but it might of been better.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sports Mode

 For this picture I used the sports mode on the dial to get someone in the air. It was really sunny out so the shutter speed was 1/1000.
For this picture I took a picture of someone running also using the Sports mode on the dial.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Portrait Picture of Monica

With this photograph I was trying out the Portrait mode, I think i was a bit successful but not    completely because the background is not as blurry as I wanted it to be. Some of the background is not equally as blurry as the rest of the background. Other than that I don't think my picture is that bad.